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AKC Havanese Mating planned for October

AKC LUA & HUA Dalmatian mating planned for January 


CKC full liver litter dalmatian mating planned for January

*I can provide you with lifetime support and endless advice and information*-- Whichever breed you choose from my program, I'm here to help you with your new baby for life! If you ever need advice on special nutrition, what kind of vet to look for, anything at all, im here for you!

*Parents are health tested and available to meet!*-- Meet the parent/parents the day you pick up your puppy! We usually hire a stud but with their permission I can give you their contact info. if you want to plan a meet up.

*The comfort of knowing the puppy hasn't had a troubled life* --Adopting/purchasing from a good breeder, you're guaranteed your puppy has not been abused, raised neglectfully resulting in behavioral issues. Sometimes for people, adopting from a shelter isn't for them based on guilt over decision. You have the right to choose whats best for your family.

*You know everything about the puppies from the day they are born*-- For 8 weeks of their lives, with us, you will know health, the growing temperaments and socializations and sound stimulation and how they are raised. So that way you know how to have control over your puppies life and home training once you bring him/her home. I am very consistent on photos & videos until pick up.

*I will help you choose the right puppy*-- There's a reason in the last 5 years not a single puppy of mine has been returned. I learn about the families during the 8 weeks of the puppies lives while observing behaviors and temperaments. Yes you might think you want the cutest one but it might not be fit for your family. I dont take those kinds of risks with my puppies. It's my job to help guarantee the best fit life for you and our puppies. It's difficult to determine if a particular puppy will grow up to be assertive, laid back, mellow, or hyper, dominant alpha & omega. Good breeders know their breed & puppies & should help guide you in choosing the right puppy. I also love annual updated photos!

*Our dogs welfare is top priority*--There are a large number of BYB breeders who choose profit over welfare. Such as the breeders who have cheap 4-6  or more larger numbers of litters a year of the same breed, sometimes with fake baer testing's and no vet visits for proper vaccinations. Also with constant puppy returns because they don't care who they sell to as long as they can make money because they're too lazy to get jobs. There are several steps anyone can take to ensure they are dealing with a reputable breeder who is committed to appropriate/high standards of animal care. By you doing this, you are helping reduce the financial incentives for those looking to make quick money. If you buy a cheap dog and then complain about a breeder on FB you were warned about or about the issues it's having that's your fault for being cheap. You get what you pay for.

*I care what you ask* -- Keep in mind I pay very close attention to buyers family size, work schedules, everyday life, hobbies and personality while chatting. I want to know about you to ensure the safety and a full loving life of my puppies. Breeding involves a lot of work and commitment, so it should make you suspicious if another breeder isn’t interested in you at all. Trustworthiness also means rejecting unsuitable buyers or advising you accordingly. I've denied applications and had a few get so mad, im like "glad i didnt sell to that crazy person" Me being able to tell you which puppy will suit your character. Therefore, I must first find out who you are.

*NO KENNELS* -- We are 100% kennel free dog crazy loving family. All 10 of our dogs live in our house. NOT our garage, NOT our basement, NOT outside. When we have buyers come over or guests we put them outside or in the garage or in our boarding kennel to eliminate noise, distractions, hypertension and any accidents. Our dogs are our family, not treated like livestock. I can tell you each personality, habits, behavior, temperament, likes/dislikes and food preference. We do occasional home cooked dinners, we're on the verge of needing 2 king beds because every night is a slumber party! They each get a bed time snack around 10pm. Everything is super costly with our routines but we treat our litters the same way. We lose way more money then we make and what we make goes right back into health testing or training or food for our fosters. This is a loving hobby not for profit. Being a Dog mom rocks!

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